Esoteric Orders And Religious Traditions

Seven rays

Concept found in some religions and esoteric doctrines

The seven rays is a concept that has appeared in several religions and esoteric philosophies in both Western culture and in India since at least the sixth century BCE.

In occidental culture, it can be seen in early Western mystery traditions, such as Gnosticism and Mithraism, and in texts and iconic art of the Catholic Church as early as the Byzantine Empire. In India, the concept has been part of Hindu religious philosophy and scripture since at least the Vishnu Purana, dating from the post-Vedic era. 

The connection between the gnostic esoteric path of  religion and its soulful expressions for so long has been sought by many to keep the truth from the wider world. When in reality the knowledge is for all of humanity.  It’s as if those trying to erase this simple truth, are afraid of the ramifications such truths can convey. That they fear it’s full release. 
