The Gnostic Catholic Mystics

 The Way of the Saints and Catholic Esotericism

The way of the Saints who are persons believed to be connected in a special manner with what is viewed as sacred reality—gods, spiritual powers, and sacred realms. 

When people think of the occult, things such as astrologers, mediums, witches, and demons come to mind. Many dismiss such things as incompatible with modern science, and although Catholics deal in the mysteries of mass, the Eucharist and the mysteries of the faith and Holy Spirit as the indwelling spirit of truth and wisdom. The supernatural is real, it’s easy to be affected by this skeptical attitude.

Since Ancient times, intellectual giants such as St. Thomas Aquinas took occult phenomena seriously. Back then, the word occult had a different meaning. In Latin, occultus meant anything that was hidden, anything that people didn’t know about or understand. The world thus was filled with “occult,” or hidden, things and forces. Understanding the desire of those wanting to protect the Holy and Sacred from the mundane world.

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