Joseph Ha-Rama -Theo
Also, known as Josephes Ha-David; Bishop of Sarras or Seres.
The Legend says: his mother fled Judea after his father's crucifixion and Joseph founded the Merovingian dynasty.
Interesting note: Seres was the name of Ancient China
The Romans and the Greeks knew the country as 'Seres', “the land where silk comes from:
The name 'China' does not appear in print in the west until 1516 CE in Barbosa's journals narrating his travels in the east (though the Europeans had long known of China through trade via the Silk Road). Marco Polo, the famous explorer who familiarized China to Europe in the 13th century CE, referred to the land as 'Cathay.
One qof the easternmost countries of Asia known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. Known to the Ancient Greek and Roman geographers. It is generally taken as referring to North China.
The country of "Serica" is positioned in the 150 AD Ptolemy world map in the area beyond the "Imaus" (Pamir Mountains). This shows that he considered Serica to either incorporate or consist of what is now Xinjiang.
The inhabited part of our earth is bounded on the east by the Unknown Land which lies along the region occupied by the easternmost nations of Asia Major, the Sinae and the nations of Serice— Ptolemy, Geographia, ca 150 AD
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